One of the biggest problems with having a sprint zero is that it establishes a precedent that there are certain sprints or sprint types that have unique rules.
Is your agile team excluding the Scrum product owner from your sprint retrospectives? Check out this blog from agile expert Mike Cohn to discover why this is a really bad idea.
It's a new year--that fabled time of midnight parties, resolutions, and, for us Americans, football bowl games. Well, the parties and the big bowl games are over. So the only thing left is to make…
A Scrum trainer recently asked for a couple of good, real examples of large user stories (epics) being split into smaller stories. I thought it would be useful to share those examples here as well…
Estimating is a way of buying knowledge. If having the additional knowledge will lead to different decisions, then acquiring that knowledge might be a good thing to do.
I've been remiss in blogging as often as I should. I'm sorry and promise to do better. On the bright side, I've gotten caught up on a dozen or so things that were taking up mental energy.…